Dr. Larry Steckel has been involved in Reviton research and trials from the start.
Dr. Steckel is a Professor of Row Crop Weed Management at the University of Tennessee. He had this to say about Reviton in an AgWeb article.
“Traditionally, in the last decade it’s been horseweed or marestail that we’re really struggling in trying to control. We’ve used traditional products to take this weed out, and as those products proved to be successful with horseweed fading from the picture, other weeds filled that hole. We need newer solutions. Reviton has been a good fit to take out troubling weeds.
One of the things we noticed in our research is that Reviton played well with glyphosate. Many times, a herbicide being mixed with glyphosate may interfere to where glyphosate is less effective on a particular weed species. But with Reviton we didn’t see that at all. Reviton in a tank mixed with glyphosate consistently worked well across a lot of weeds.”
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Reviton™ smokes wild turnips graveyard-dead
Putting Reviton™ to the test in Mississippi