Jeffry Mitchell of Moore Farming Company, South Delta, Mississippi recently put Reviton to the test. 

Mitchell grows corn, soybeans and some wheat, with most weed pressure coming from pigweed, marestail and Italian ryegrass

“One of the big challenges we face are resistant weeds. They're not getting any better. We're very reliant on paraquat as a pre-emerge, especially in soybeans. It's the only product we have that will basically kill everything. Using Reviton as an alternative to that, may be a safer alternative that’s equally as effective is very appealing, I would imagine to every producer,” says Mitchell.

Mitchell’s standard tank mix is paraquat, metribuzin and S-metolachlor. In a demo he tank-mixed Reviton and S-metolachlor on 20 acres and saw great results.

“Reviton held good till we came back with our lay-by application. I put out 20 acres' worth, but as far as I can tell, I have zero complaints. And the product did what my HELM rep said it would do.”


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