
Soil-Set® is a liquid fermentation solution for all crops that helps improve soils to influence nutrient availability and enhance root growth for season-long performance.

Soil tests showed improved residue breakdown, organic matter, microbial populations and soil functionality.

Soil-Set includes bacterial metabolites, which bypass the disadvantages of tricky-to-keep-alive live cultures for a convenient, easy-to-use solution. This also allows Soil-Set to easily be integrated into most IPM programs and can be tank mixed with traditional chemistries.

The Science: How it works

Soil-Set enriches soil characteristics and functionality to set the stage for a strong growing season.

Through proprietary metabolites, Soil-Set foster’s a healthy soil environment that supports season-long synergy between the soil and plant. A healthy soil environment allows plants to put down strong roots for a better start and enables the plant to maximize its genetic potential.

Soil-Set’s metabolites are non-toxic, easy to handle, mix and apply, and they are more stable than live microbials – without an expiration date.

Field Trial Data

Soil tests showed improved residue breakdown, organic matter, microbial populations and soil functionality. Additionally, trials showed no adverse effects when tank mixing with traditional chemistries and non-orthophosphate fertilizers. 

Soil-Set® is also an Alltech Crop Science proprietary innovation with over 27 years of research and development. 

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Soil-Set® is OMRI Listed for use in organic crop production by Improcrop USA. Must not be used as a defoliant, herbicide, or desiccant. Micronutrient deficiency must be documented by soil or tissue testing or other documented and verifiable method as approved by a certifying agent. Soil-Set® is a registered trademark of Improcrop Ltd. Alltech® is a registered trademark of Alltech, Inc.
