Driving faster and more abundant plant protein production
UpLink makes nitrate nitrogen useful. It is the most important step in complete plant N management, driving increased nitrogen use efficiency and carbon sequestration.
A combination of potassium, molybdenum and two biostimulants, UpLink assimilates nitrates forms of nitrogen to create amino acids. This, in turn, enhances plant protein production and yield.
The Science: How it works
UpLink is the only product that executes the three-step process of taking nitrate to yield
- Acquires and transports N
- Supports N assimilation
- Enhances CO2 metabolism
This allows UpLink to assimilate nitrogen at higher rates than other products on the market.
Efficient nitrogen assimilation signals plants to acquire more CO2, which leads to improvements in the photosynthetic process. This opens pathways for the plant to continue acquiring usable N.
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Always read and follow label directions. Contour™ and UpLink™ are trademarks of HELM Agro US. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG.