aCalsa® SC is a calcium phosphite biostimulant complex designed to support robust plant cell structure, improve photosynthetic activity and help the plant convert nitrogen to proteins. With three distinct modes of action, aCalsa SC delivers multiple avenues to achieve beneficial plant health outcomes, leading to a more durable and efficient crop.
aCalsa SC is easy to use. Through a stabilized formulation and low use rates, aCalsa SC is an efficient calcium phosphite delivery system. It delivers the performance of a phosphite with the plant health benefits of calcium.
Plant Benefits
- Provides positive effects on plant and fruit decay
- Increases root and shoot development as well as root exudation
- Improves flavors, colors and brix levels

The Science: How it works
Three distinct modes of action
- Phosphite – maintains plant health and vigor in adverse growing conditions
- Calcium – essential for the entire photosynthetic process and plant structural integrity
- Biostimulation – optimizes the plant’s ability to convert nitrates into amino acids and proteins
aCalsa SC showed comparable results to the standard grower practice across a seven pass program. Results were matched in combining aCalsa SC, Scyon® and the grower standard program across seven passes. Both aCalsa SC and Scyon were applied on passes 1, 3, 5 and 7 and the grower standard was applied on passes 2, 4 and 6. This trial shows that including aCalsa SC alongside the grower standard practice can achieve enhanced plant vitality and yield in peanuts.
aCalsa SC alone provided an increase of four bushels against the control. In combination with Scyon, there was a 9 bushel yield increase.
aCalsa SC showed significant improvements in fruit quality compared to the control and the standard calcium phosphite program. These results were demonstrated in a drench-only protocol as well as a drench and foliar application protocol.
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Always read and follow label directions. aCalsa® and Scyon® are registered trademarks of Unium Biosciences. TrivaPro® is a registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG. ©2023 HELM Agro US, Inc.