Postemergence Weed Control in an
Unpredictable Herbicide Environment
Hindsight is 20/22, should you care to look back
Change can be tough. Most people stick with what works - from the type of vehicle they drive to the food they like or the shows they watch. Yet, there are times when change is simply unavoidable. This past year brought on some major changes, and it’s safe to expect more in 2023. As you build your herbicide plan, consider what you might do differently or what new option you might try compared to last year.
The 2022 growing season included a myriad of challenges, especially in availability and pricing of crop inputs. In the herbicide market, shortages of glyphosate and other traditional post-applied chemistries, as well as growing herbicide-resistance issues, caused many growers to explore herbicide options they hadn’t before, including new products developed to fill supply gaps.
While certain things are out of your control, you can still take action to get ahead. For example, well-known, commonly used herbicides are usually the first to run low. Therefore, new chemistries can give you a leg up in the market. Many provide improved technology compared to your traditional tank mix, giving you more application freedom.
Below are seven strategies for postemergence weed control in the face of low supply of traditional herbicides or herbicide-resistance challenges.
Seven strategies for postemergence weed control:
- Educate yourself on alternatives – Lean on your local agronomist, crop advisor or university extension agent. They have years of knowledge and practical experience with a full portfolio of chemistries and can help with alternate recommendations for your operation.
- Explore tank mix options – Find tank mix partners that provide different modes of action and allow you to achieve better control while using lower labelled rates or actives, like the glyphosate.
- Prioritize problematic fields – Identify and plan for the most problematic fields on your farm. Save those highly effective, tough-to-get chemistries for areas you know can be an issue throughout the year. Act early and aggressively to help prevent weed escapes later in the season.
- Go after small weeds – Time applications appropriately, especially with emerged weeds. The difference in managing a one-inch weed and an eight-inch weed can be exponential for even the most effective herbicides.
- Consider adjuvant options – Look at ways to “heat up” your tank mix with options that meet label requirements. Different adjuvants have different impacts and using the proper adjuvant can help make your chemistries more effective in the field.
- Take the pressure off postemergence – Utilize burndown options where multiple effective modes of action can be applied to emerged weeds without impacting your crop. By conducting an effective burndown and partnering it with a preplant herbicide with a strong residual, to help decrease weeds present at a postemergence application. Options like Reviton® can help you start the season with clean fields.
- Get the small things right – Leave no stone unturned in your sprayer setup. Make sure sprayer nozzles are calibrated correctly, use correct boom height, watch application speed and apply during the day, pending weather conditions, to avoid dew.
A powerful postemergence herbicide option
As you build your herbicide plan for 2023, consider Katagon® corn herbicide. Katagon is a powerful postemergence herbicide strong enough to stand up against resistant weeds while giving you outstanding application flexibility.
A first-of-its-kind HPPD/ALS premix of tolpyralate and nicosulfuron, Katagon delivers broad-spectrum grass and broadleaf control without the need to add glyphosate. Katagon can power your postemergence application - especially when paired with atrazine. Katagon is used at 3.2 fl oz/A and is tank-mix friendly.
What comes next?
Plan ahead and don’t be afraid to look in a different direction. Retailers, agronomists and consultants are always there to help and might be able to offer a new list of products. Exploring new chemistries and identifying multiple herbicides can give you more options in case supplies are low.
Educate yourself on the options available to react nimbly to roadblocks. It is important to make a plan and be flexible to changing market conditions to ensure that herbicide shortages won’t hamper your 2023 crop year. Consider Katagon as a powerful addition to your postemergence herbicide program.
Learn more about Katagon® or speak to your local HELM representative.