Get ahead of weed pressure this fall for a cleaner start to planting next spring.
Emerging fall and winter weeds like henbit, poa, morning glory, teaweed. chickweed, dandelion, and other tough-to-control species can be an unwelcome sight. However, they can be controlled with an effective fall burndown program.
“Abundant rainfall in some areas of the country, including the mid-south and portions of the corn belt, have made for good crops,” says James Whitehead, agronomy leader at HELM Agro. “But growing conditions may also result in a bumper crop of weeds. The good news is that powerful herbicides, like Reviton, can help control weeds in burndown scenarios.”
Here’s how Reviton®, a powerful PPO burndown herbicide, helps you hammer weeds harder this fall:
Powerful, proven fall burndown weed control
Reviton is a non-selective herbicide that controls many broadleaf weeds when applied with a high quality MSO surfactant. With millions of acres treated, Reviton has provided consistent, reliable performance. Reviton is demonstrated to control troublesome weeds faster than 2,4-D and glyphosate alone.
“In farm trials, we saw many growers add Reviton to their burndown programs to try it out,” says Whitehead. “Those growers quickly recognized that weeds that had been escaping them for years were now gone.”
From small plot research trials to on-farm results, one thing remained consistent: Reviton works well alone but provides a wider spectrum of weed control and consistency when combined with other herbicides, particularly glyphosate and a high-quality MSO. A photosystem II inhibitor like metribuzin can be a good addition for weeds that are harder to control or on the edge of the label
"Henbit is a tough fall weed to control, so we were excited to see the results of a 2021 study in Kentucky that showed Reviton's excellent control of henbit when used with Roundup PowerMax and dicamba,” says Whitehead. “The tank mix with Reviton had far superior results compared to using PowerMax and dicamba alone.”
Get broadleaf and grass control
One unique advantage Reviton has over comparative burndown products is its broadleaf and grass activity.
“Especially when you’re dealing with grasses, Reviton provides a great opportunity to conserve your glyphosate and glufosinate,” adds Waggoner. “PPO inhibitors haven’t been used much for grass control in the past because they traditionally have not had much, if any activity on grasses. Reviton is a unique PPO inhibitor because it does provide control of several grass species.”
Plus, Reviton can help control emerged weeds while you're putting down a residual, preventing weeds from becoming a bigger issue in the spring.
“Pairing Reviton with Helmet® herbicide (metolachlor) or a Photosystem II inhibitor like metribuzin for residual is a great option,” says Waggoner.
Tackle resistant weeds
Reviton not only strengthens your existing weed control system, but it’s a new tool to manage herbicide-resistant weeds.
“Whenever you use an herbicide, you’re selecting for resistance,” says Whitehead. “And at a time when few new molecules are being discovered, Reviton offers breakthrough technology.”
Reviton’s active ingredient, Tergeo®, is a group 14 PPO inhibitor that has never been used before in the U.S.
“Adding Reviton to your burndown program can help reduce selection pressure on dicamba, 2,4-D and even glyphosate,” says Whitehead.
Why Reviton?
- User-friendly safety profile. Reviton has a caution label, meaning fewer restrictions compared to more restrictive product classifications, like paraquat.1
- Low use rates. Reviton is recommended at 1 fl oz/A tank mixed with glyphosate or glufosinate.
- Crop rotation flexibility. Corn has a 0-day rotational crop interval, which is key for reduced- and no-till production systems.
- Short plant back intervals. Corn and wheat have an immediate, 0-day plant back interval and soybeans have a 0-7* day plant back. Cotton has a 14-day plant back intervals.
- Plays well with most tank mixes. Reviton is an ideal partner with Helmet® herbicide brands (metolachlor) and metribuzin products for residual control.
Bottom line? Reviton is flexible and easy to integrate into your fall burndown program, no significant management changes necessary.
Try Reviton today to design the most effective and efficient burndown program.
*The replanting interval for soybean rates may vary. See product label.
1 Reviton carries a Caution signal word and requires applicators and other handlers to wear waterproof gloves, long sleeved shirt and long pants and shoes plus socks. This PPE is much less restrictive than that required on other desiccant products containing a Danger signal word.
Paraquat is a restricted use pesticide.
Reviton® Specs
Active Ingredient: Tergeo® |
Crops: Corn (field), cotton, soybeans, wheat |
Weed spectrum: 50+ broadleaf and grass species |
Site of Action: Group 14 herbicide, PPO-inhibitor |
Chemistry Family: Pyrimidinedione |
Formulation: Suspension concentrate |
AI/Gallon: 2.83 lbs of active ingredient per gallon |
Burndown application: Preplant, Preemergence |
Desiccant application: Cotton only, broadcast apply prior to harvest |
Rates: 1 fl oz/A + glyphosate @ 1 lb a.i. when used in a tank mix |
Signal Word: Caution |