Ready or not, change is coming

Shortages of glyphosate and other traditional post-applied chemistries, along with growing resistance issues, have caused growers to explore options they haven’t needed to consider in recent years. In the face of these supply issues, proactive weed management strategies are critical to laying the foundation for a successful 2022 season. 

Change can be tough. Most everyone sticks with what works - from the type of vehicle you drive to the food you like or the shows you watch. Yet, there are times when change is simply unavoidable, and this is a year of major change. 

Even in an unpredictable herbicide market, there are still factors that you can control. Below are seven strategies for postemergence weed control in the face of low supply of traditional herbicides.   

Seven strategies for postemergence: 

  1. Educate yourself on alternatives – Lean on your local agronomist, crop adviser or university extension. They have years of knowledge and practical experience with a full portfolio of chemistries and can help with recommendations for your operation.  
  2. Explore tank mix options – Find tank mix partners that provide differing modes of action and allow you to lower the glyphosate load to minimum label rates. 
  3. Prioritize problematic fields – Identify and plan for the “problem child” fields on your farm. Save what glyphosate you have for areas you know can be an issue throughout the year. Act early and aggressively to help prevent weed escapes later in the season. 
  4. Go after small weeds – Time applications appropriately, especially with emerged weeds. The difference in managing a one-inch weed and an eight-inch weed can be exponential. 
  5. Consider adjuvant options – Look at different options to “heat up” your tank mix that fall in line with label requirements. Different adjuvants bring different effects to the table and can help make your chemistries more effective in the field. 
  6. Take the pressure off postemergence – Utilize burndown options. By conducting an effective burndown and using a preplant herbicide with a strong residual, you can save your available glyphosate for postemergence. Options like Reviton™ and paraquat can help you start the season with clean fields. 
  7. Get the small things right – Leave no stone unturned in your sprayer setup. Make sure sprayer nozzles are calibrated correctly, use correct boom height, watch application speed and apply during the day, pending conditions, to avoid dew.

A powerful postemergence herbicide option

As you build your herbicide plan for this spring, consider Katagon™ corn herbicide. Katagon is a powerful postemergence herbicide strong enough to stand up against resistant weeds while giving you outstanding application flexibility. 

A first-of-its-kind HPPD/ALS premix of tolpyralate and nicosulfuron, Katagon delivers broad spectrum grass and broadleaf control without the addition of glyphosate. Katagon is used at 3.2 fl oz/A and is tank-mix friendly.  Katagon can power your postemergence application - especially when paired with atrazine. 

What comes next?

As you get through this spring, the next question is, “what can I do to get ahead of these issues for next year?” While there are certainly things out of your control (such as global supply chain issues), there are still actions you can take. Document the challenges you have in 2022 so they are clear in your mind after the season. 

Additionally, plan ahead and lock in herbicide commitments early. The deepest discount schedules are generally offered for early booking, and many retailers and manufacturers offer in-house financing to those who qualify. 

Lastly, continue to explore alternatives and identify multiple herbicide program options for each crop in case supplies are low on one chemistry. 

Make your plan and stay flexible

Educate yourself on the options available to react nimbly to roadblocks. It is important to make a plan and be flexible to changing conditions in the market in order to ensure that herbicide shortages won’t hamper your 2023 crop year. Consider Katagon as a powerful addition to your post program. 

Learn more about Katagon or speak to your local HELM representative today.