Dry it down, open it up and get ahead in cotton harvest. An effective desiccation program can improve fiber quality, give growers an easier harvest and open each bulb for better extraction. Add Reviton® to the tank to hammer out yield-crushing debris.
With low use rates, a novel active ingredient and quick results, Reviton® can ensure that cotton can be harvested when needed. Reviton drops leaves faster than other products while achieving more effective desiccation. In addition, Reviton has now been labeled for defoliation, giving growers an added benefit.
“Reviton takes off leaves and opens bulbs faster and more effectively than other options on the market,” says Jeremy Hawkins, Southern HELM Regional Sales Manager. “With the benefit of a cleaner plant, lint extract is easier and high-quality cotton is extracted.”
An easy addition
Using a fast-acting ingredient allows growers to get in the field quicker and saves time between application and leaf drop. Time is valuable, and Reviton can give growers a head start against environmental barriers such as drought, heavy rain or high winds.
Reviton has a less restrictive caution label and offers more application flexibility. Additionally, Reviton is a friendly tank mix partner, so growers can add it to their pre-harvest program without interrupting their current plan or supply.
“Reviton gives growers effective, fast results through the triple threat of desiccation, defoliation and harvest aid,” says HELM Head Agronomist James Whitehead. “Growers have been looking for a more effective and consistent aid to cotton harvest. Reviton has championed that gap with low use rates and tank-mix compatibility.”
Fast and complete
Controlling tough grass and broadleaf weeds can also help growers get a debris free harvest. Knocking out tough weeds and cleaning up a field prior to harvest can help growers get cleaner fibers and deal with less debris. Since Reviton can take down more than 50 weeds, including those that are glyphosate-, ALS- and triazine-resistant, it can help a cotton field in more ways than one. When it’s time to get in the field, efficiency is everything. Reviton works fast and reduces majority of harvest barriers, with less stain and moisture combined with a clean field.
“Getting good defoliation and desiccation is essential for growers to ensure they are getting the most out of each acre,” Hawkins said. “Growers need to be able to get the highest quality fiber out of each plant. Once the desiccant is sprayed, it needs to work fast so fiber isn’t left unprotected for a long period of time.”
A good defoliant ensures growers won’t lose profit on stained fibers or regrowth and moisture from green tissue. Reviton provides complete control by limiting regrowth and consistently removing leaves across the field.
“Protect your investment and carry your crop across the finish line with a novel yet proven product,” Whitehead said. “Growers can lose valuable yield by choosing an inferior tank partner. With Reviton, they can stick with their pre-harvest mix and add a compatible and effective option to get the most out of every acre.”
Complete your preharvest program with the addition of Reviton and take your fields to their full potential.
To learn more about Reviton and how it can help your cotton harvest, contact your local retailer or your regional HELM rep.
Always read and follow label directions. Reviton® is a registered trademark of HELM Agro US, Inc. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG. ©2022 HELM Agro US, Inc.