Helmstar Plus SC

Helmstar Plus SC is a premier premix fungicide offering growers a best-in-class formulation of two complimentary systemic active ingredients. With preventive and curative activity from two powerful modes of action, Helmstar Plus quickly knocks down diseases and provides a residual barrier to inhibit any newly forming diseases.

Capable of controlling the most devastating crop diseases, Helmstar Plus SC is proven to reduce plant stress while promoting better yields.

Primary Diseases Controlled

Aerial Web Blight, Alternaria Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Black Rot, Botrytis Bunch Rot, Brown Spot, Cercospora Blight , Downy Spot, Early Leaf Spot, Ergot Stem Diseases, Eye Spot, Frogeye Leaf Spot, Glume Blotch, Gray Leaf Spot, Late Leaf Spot, North Corn Leaf Blight, Northern Corn Leaf Spot, Physoderma Brown Spot, Pepper Spot, Pod & Stem Blight, Powdery Mildew, Pythium Pod Rot, Rhizoctonia Limb Rot, Rhizoctonia Pod Rot, Rusts, Septoria Leaf, South Corn Leaf Blight, Soybean Rust, Web Blotch, White Mold

The Science: How it works

States Registered
