
Verdure-X® is a non-volatile herbicide for use as a harvest aid to desiccate green plant material in canola, potatoes and other crops. Enabling a faster, cleaner and more efficient harvest, Verdure-X simplifies management and scheduling while maximizing crop quality and profitability.

With an easy-to-use liquid formulation, Verdure-X can be applied by ground or aerial equipment.

Primary Weeds Controlled

Annual bluegrass, Annual ryegrass, Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass, Deadnettle henbit, Foxtails (green, yellow), Lambsquarters, Nightshade (black, hairy), Nettleleaf goosefoot*, Nutsedge (purple, yellow), Purslane, Redroot pigweed, Shepherd’s purse, Small stinging nettle/Burning nettle, Velvetleaf**, Volunteer barley, Wild oats

*California excluded.
**Partial control or suppression only.
Ro-Neet will not control established or germinated weeds present at application. Existing nutsedge stands must be turned under/chopped before treatment.

The Science: How it works

States Registered
