Reviton® wins in wheat with powerful control or suppression of 50+ species of broadleaves and grasses.
- If you grow wheat, you probably dread looking into your field and seeing wild oats. In field trials, Reviton controlled more than 80% of wild oats one week after application.
- Reviton has an immediate, 0-day plant back interval for wheat. This means no downtime between application and planting.
- Reviton brings greater convenience, flexibility, and efficacy through its low use rate resulting in reduced product handling. Measured in ounces, not pints.
Reviton works best paired with herbicides like glyphosate or glufosinate. Always use a high-quality MSO. For specific instructions for adjuvant use, mixtures, and spray volume, always reference the Reviton label.
Learning module
To learn more about Reviton®, explore this brief online learning module covering application methods, rates and best practices. Certified Crop Advisers can receive 0.5 CEU credits for completing the course.
Always read and follow label directions. Reviton® and Tergeo® are trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. Fearless® and Helmet® herbicide are registered trademarks of HELM Agro US, Inc. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. ©2023 HELM Agro US, Inc.