Emerging fall and winter weeds can be an unwelcome sight.


However, they can be controlled with an effective fall burndown program anchored by Reviton®.

  • Reviton has demonstrated consistent performance in burndown efficacy - providing reliable and consistent control of tough weeds like Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed and lambsquarters, and tough fall and winter weeds like chickweed, dandelion, henbit, marestail and shepherd’s purse.
  • Reviton easily integrates into existing fall burndown programs without significant management changes necessary.
  • Reviton has low use rates, measured in ounces, not pints. The result is greater convenience, easier handling and less storage and disposal.


Reviton in action - 28 days after treatment (DAT)


Adding Reviton to Roundup PowerMax and dicamba strengthened performance and controlled henbit.


Learning module

To learn more about Reviton®, explore this brief online learning module covering application methods, rates and best practices. Certified Crop Advisers can receive 0.5 CEU credits for completing the course.


Product Specifications


Active Ingredient: Tergeo®

Mode of Action: Group 14

Formulation: Suspension concentrate

Application: Preplant, Preemergence, Desiccation, Defoliation

Restricted Use: No

Signal Word: Caution





Always read and follow label directions. Reviton® and Tergeo® are trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. ©2023 HELM Agro US, Inc.