Reviton is a powerful tool for cotton production.
From burndown to defoliation and desiccation, the user-friendly profile and efficacy of Reviton can help support a successful cotton crop at multiple points in the season.
- Reviton easily integrates into existing herbicide programs without significant management changes necessary.
- 7-14 day rotational crop interval dependent upon application rate.
- Reviton controls or suppresses 50+ broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate-, ALS-, HPPD- and triazine-resistant species. Unlike most other PPO inhibitors, Reviton has a unique ability to control grass species like giant and green foxtail.
Reviton for Cotton Defoliation Program Use Guidelines
- Apply second application 7 days after the first when plants are large, canopy is dense or environmental conditions require it.
- Consult with your HELM sales rep, local crop advisor or state extension service to identify the best adjuvant for your tank mix.
- Apply via ground or aerial application. Refer to label instructions for more information.
- Do not exceed a maximum cumulative amount of 6 fl oz/A per year for all uses on cotton.
- Refer to product label and/or your local crop adviser or Extension Specialist for specific tank-mix product rates and adjuvant requirements. Helmquat can be added to enhance desiccation if using lower rate of Reviton
Cotton Defoliation and Desiccation

2020. Lubbock, TX. Rates per acre. Treatment includes a premium MSO.
Learning module
To learn more about Reviton®, explore this brief online learning module covering application methods, rates and best practices. Certified Crop Advisers can receive 0.5 CEU credits for completing the course.
Product Specifications
Active Ingredient: Tergeo®
Mode of Action: Group 14
Formulation: Suspension concentrate
Application: Burndown, Preplant, Preemergence, Desiccation, Defoliation
Restricted Use: No
Signal Word: Caution

Always read and follow label directions. Reviton® and Tergeo® are trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. HELM® is a registered trademark of HELM AG. Not all products are registered for sale or use in all states. ©2023 HELM Agro US, Inc.