Reviton®, a powerful PPO burndown herbicide, hammers down tough broadleaves and grasses that threaten your yield. 


  • Reviton controls or suppresses 50+ broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate-, ALS-, HPPD- and triazine-resistant species. Unlike most other PPO inhibitors, Reviton has a unique ability to control grass species like giant and green foxtail.
  • Reviton brings flexibility and efficiency with less product to handle. Plant back intervals are not increased when applying with other PPOs. 
  • Reviton increases the speed of kill when compared to auxin applications alone. It can also help reduce selection pressure on dicamba and 2,4-D.



Weeds Controlled / Suppressed:

Waterhemp, Chickweed, Lambsquarters, Ragweed species, Dandelion, Hemp Sesbania, Henbit, Horseweed, Prickly sida, Shepherd’s purse, Velvetleaf, Annual bluegrass, Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass, Giant foxtail, Johnsongrass, Shattercane, Wild oats, Volunteer corn


Reviton in Action


Learning module

To learn more about Reviton®, explore this brief online learning module/ covering application methods, rates and best practices. Certified Crop Advisers can receive 0.5 CEU credits for completing the course.

