Helmet® Maxx is a premium premix herbicide containing three modes of action for maximum yield protection in field corn, seed corn, sweet corn, yellow popcorn and grain sorghum.
Offering greater use flexibility across a wide range of agronomic needs, Helmet Maxx provides superior crop safety plus powerful performance that controls more than 75 broadleaf and grass weeds, including ALS, PPO, triazine and glyphosate-resistant species.
Primary Weeds Controlled
Amaranth species, Barnyardgrass, Bristly starbur, Buffalobur, Catchweed, Carpetweed, Canada thistle, Chickweed, Cocklebur, Common sunflower, Crabgrass, Crowfootgrass, Devil’s claw, Field sandbur, Florida beggarweed, Florida pusley, Foxtail species, Galinsoga, Goosegrass, Hemp sesbania, Henbit, Jimsonweed, Johnsongrass-seedling, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Marestail, Morningglory (entireleaf, ivyleaf), Nightshade (black, eastern black, hairy), Palmer amaranth, Panicum (browntop, fall, Texas), Pigweed species, Prairie cupgrass, Prickly sida, Puncturevine, Purple deadnettle, Purslane, Ragweed (common, giant), Red rice, Red sprangletop, Shepherd’s purse, Shattercane, Sicklepod, Signalgrass (broadleaf, narrowleaf), Smartweed (ladysthumb, Pennsylvania), Southern cupgrass, Velvetleaf, Venice mallow, Waterhemp (common, tall), Wild buckwheat, Wild mustard, Wild proso millet, Wild radish, Witchgrass, Woolly cupgrass, Yellow nutsedge
The Science: How it works
States Registered