Argos herbicide delivers superior pre- and postemergence control of annual broadleaf weeds across a wide variety of crops.
A top performer in defeating tough broadleaf weed competitors including triazines, glyphosate, PPO and ALS resistant species, Argos offers greater use flexibility, tank mix compatibility and seamless rotation with other modes of action.

Primary Weeds Controlled
Amaranth species, Atriplex, Broadleaf signalgrass, Buffalobur, Burcucumber, Canada thistle, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Cocklebur, Common sunflower, Curly dock, Dandelion, Florida pusley, Galinsoga, Hemp sesbania, Horsenettle, Jimsonweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Large crabgrass, Marestail, Morningglory (entireleaf, ivyleaf, pitted), Nightshade (black, eastern black, hairy), Palmer amaranth, Pigweed (redroot, smooth, tumble), Pokeweed, Prickly sida/Teaweed, Prostrate knotweed, Ragweed (common, giant), Smartweed (ladysthumb, pale, Pennsylvania), Velvetleaf, Venice mallow, Volunteer potatoes, Waterhemp (common, tall), Wild buckwheat, Wild carrot, Wild mustard, Yellow nutsedge
The Science: How it works